Green Lake Elementary

Green Lake

School Supplies

School Supply for 2024-2025

Instead of asking every family to purchase an entire list of supplies, the office is making a bulk purchase and asking for a donation from families.

We are asking for a voluntary fee of $40 per student. This will pay for the majority of supplies (notebooks, crayons, pencils, folders, pens, glue, etc.) and some of the software used on electronic devices. We know everyone is not able to pay this fee. If you are wiling to make an additional contribution to help cover the supplies for other students, please do so.

How to Pay:

Pay the voluntary fee for your student you can:

  • send a check made out to Green Lake Elementary (put your child’s name on the memo line)
  • send cash in an envelope with your child’s name on it
  • Pay with a credit card using SchoolPay a payment processing website that is linked to your student.

You can also make a donation to help families in need Send a check, or make donations for families in need via SchoolPay. Please do not use this link to pay your student’s fee.

Personal Items

Please send your child with the following personal items on first day of school. Please label each personal item below with student’s full name with a permanent marker (the tag in the neck or side of a coat is a great place to write a name).

  • a full size backpack
  • a reusable lunch box or lunch bag, if not getting school lunch
  • a water bottle that seals
  • Kindergarten and 1st grade students – a full change of clothes in a Ziploc (this will stay in the backpack)

Optional Items

Boxes of tissues are always a welcome donation

Ask your child’s teachers if there are other items they need help with.